New Jersey’s Cannabis grower Harmony endorsed Clean Air Zone Technology. CAZ Technology has been able to eliminate all the air borne contaminants from the GreenHouse environment enabling the plants to yield better.
Madison York Assisted living program is partnering with Clean Air Zone to keep the living spaces healthy and free from Air borne pollutants inside their assisted living homes across New York City.
Dr. Alan Kaufman, MD – Allergist & Immunologist
Kaufman Care uses Clean Air Zone Technology to sterilize the environment for patients. CAZ Technology is helping Dr.Kaufman’s Allergy patients to successfully maintain clean, dust and allergy free environment thus improving their quality of living.
Madison York Assisted Living
Madison York Assisted living program is partnering with Clean Air Zone to keep the living spaces healthy and free from Air borne pollutants inside their assisted living homes across New York City.
Kaufman Care
Kaufman Care uses Clean Air Zone Technology to sterilize the environment for patients. CAZ Technology is helping Dr.Kaufman's Allergy patients to successfully maintain clean, dust and allergy free environment thus improving their quality of living.
Harmony Dispensary
The Harmony Foundation has installed Clean Air Zone AG (CAZAG) filter less clean air
technology to control airborne pollutants and biological pathogens in the forms of VOCs
(Volatile Organic Compounds), particulates, mold, bacteria, and odors associated with the
production of Cannabis.
Plasponics Inc.
Plasponics Inc. is interested in working with Clean Air Zone on a project considered for Air Force SBIR Phase Il funding award.
Citi-Urban Management is interested in using the technology of Clean Air Zone on a project
considered for Air Force SBIR Phase II funding award.
Oxford Capital Group, LLC
Oxford is interested in evaluating working with Clean Air Zone on a project considered for Air
Force ...
Scott P. Degler
My background spans more than 30 years of providing HVAC solutions for Commercial applications,
including 12 years as founding owner of an Engineering company and 16 years of managing Building
Technology Sales for the Northeast US territory for a Fortune 500 company.
Agritecture Consulting
This memorandum is provided to indicate interest in and support for testing and evaluation of CAZAG
Inc’s Air Purification System for potential integration into larger greenhouses for the protection and
production of plants
Little Leaf
This memorandum is provided to indicate interest in and support for testing and evaluation of CAZAG Inc’s Air Purification System for potential integration into greenhouses and support areas for the protection and production of plants.
I am writing this letter to express my appreciation and gratitude to you and to the CAZ team for developing an air purification machine that has truly made a huge difference in mine and my family's health and wellbeing.